Saturday, October 16, 2010

Durban Marken Round 2 & Sharks Semi-Final Rugby Game!!

We went to the Durban Market (Victoria Square market) for a second time. After getting a lot of wonderful things that Adam and I are very excited to share with you all we went to a Rugby match. It was the semi-finals of the whole country, so it was a big game!! The Sharks (the team from Kwa-Zulu Natal, the province that we are staying in, are black 'n white) played the Blue Bulls... and WON! They then went on to the Finals and won and are now the champions of the country!

The center of the Durban Market, I loved the Zebra Skin hanging over the railing

Shops all around

Adam and I in the Market Square

One of the soccer stadiums where the World Cup was played!

A cool building in Durban

People getting really excited about the Sharks

Adam and I in front of the soccer stadium (I was wearing Sharks colors)
All of us "Sharks Babes"
Emily N, Emily G, Megan F, Rachel, Kristina, Brittany, Carrie, & Me

The ticket to the semi-final game- R170.00 ($25)

Christina and I in front of the Bread Basket Stadium (I think that's what they call it)

Inside the Rugby Stadium

It was HUGE, and pretty packed

The weather started off beautifully

The jacarandas were in full bloom across from where we were sitting

Right before the game started there was an attack of bees so serious they had to delay the game for 30 minutes and tried to smoke them out

Finally, the two teams facing off

Adam and I enjoying the game

Our whole APU group!

Adam W. going all out

The mascot "Sharky"

Adam made a paper airplane from his free poster and shot it into the crowd :)

Suddenly after half time the weather got trecherous

It was raining really hard and turned freezing cold

After the game there was water flooding the stadium!
(But we won so everyone was happy!)


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