Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Coming Home

Well we finally have internet... and we leave tomorrow. Sorry for not keeping up since service sites, Blogspot didn't work at the Bible Institute (The place we were staying in Kalk Bay, Cape Town)
To give you a fill in on the past couple months-ish. We finished service sites, which was really such a blessing. Then I took my Zulu exam and packed up to leave. We took 5 days to drive to Cape Town via the Garden Route (the scenic way) During that time we went bungy-jumping and did all sorts of other fun things. Eventually we got to Cape Town. 1/2 of us started our stay in Oceanview, a colored community (that's the term used in South Africa). My new roommate, Megan Harris (from Zulu class) was an incredible blessing! We stayed with Mrs. Nelson who was basically a colored version of Mrs. Clause :) she was wonderful.
We stayed there for a little over a week and then moved into the Bible Institute in Kalk Bay for a little over a week. During those 3 weeks we got to explore Cape Town City Center, go to Robben Island, take a tour of the Peninsula, hang out with penguins, and a bunch of other things. I also got to go Shark Cage Diving (thanks mom and dad for the early Christmas present)
The 3 weeks was great, and on the 14th, everyone from our semester except for Calvin, Kristina, (2 other students) Adam, and I. We rented a car for 4 days and had a great time Wine Tasting, going to the beach, going on sunset drives, eating great food, hiking, and exploring more of Cape Town. We stayed at 3 wonderful places that were gracious to house and sometimes feed us poor college students!
Kristina left the 20th & Calvin the 21st (today) so Adam and I were able to spend our last day together. What a day it was! It was one of my most favorite days I've had in my whole life!!It consisted of train rides, taxis, visiting to the Waterfront, the Aquarium, a long walk on Long St, a Sushi Lunch, a showing at the Planetarium, a walk through Company Garden, South Africa sweatshirts, Milkshakes, another long walk, and ended with a "Sunset Champagne Cruise" around the harbor. Everything was perfect, and it was the perfect ending to an unforgettable semester.
This whole semester has been... words can't even describe. All I know is that I feel very blessed to have met the people I have met and to have experienced the things I have experienced. I feel double blessed that I was able to do all of that together with Adam :)
Thanks for all of your prayers for the past 4 months! And thank you Lord for literally everything.
I can't wait to see you all soon hopefully, because after everything I've experienced, I'm ready to come home.


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