Thursday, November 11, 2010

Service Sites

About a week and a half ago Joanie and I started service sites at our two different locations. I finished my first three classes (ecology, life and teachings of Jesus, and intercultural communication), and Joanie is still going strong on her Zulu course. We both started our community engagement course now that we work at the sevice sites. Its like a class that is mostly out in the field. Joanie works with an institution called iThemba (which means hope in Zulu) and they minister to a town called Sweetwater, and I go to a town called Mpophomeni and work with a group called ithembeni (place of hope). There are 5 or so groups that the students are split into and they all go to different sites. All the sites are very different, where Joanie's probably has the most structure and mine has the least and we have to plan to do things on our own.

For my service site, we have been fixing things around the family care center (a place where abandoned youth and other youth being mentored can come to get free food and classes). We have also been going on home visits to various impoverished homes throughout the city, delivering food and providing Christian fellowship. It has been awesome as I have been paired up with a social worker (as has everyone else on my team) and he is a way cool local guy about 25 years old.

Today I went to his house with another guy from my team for the express purpose of killing a chicken and eating it haha. So that's what I did. I caught a chicken after chasing it around in the coop and then cut its head of with a knife haha. We then boiled it for 2 hours and ate it. I gave the Zulu family their first experience with guacamole and they absolutely loved that. It was a great day all in all. Pictures soon to follow



Unknown said...

Hi Adam & Joanie,
Just went through your South Africa site. What an absolutely awesome opportunity for education and service. Really enjoyed the "Cow Dung" crack sealing and the "Stick Fighting", haha. I liked Adam's around the back move. Have a blessed Christmas, safe traveling, we miss you!
Lisa Giordano

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