Monday, September 20, 2010

Meeting Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi

Today our Intercultural Communication class had the extreme privillage of hearing and then meeting one of the most influential men in South Africa! We were able to sit in on a speech given by him to an African non-profit group. Mangosuthu Buthelezi is a direct descendant from South African royalty and also a brother in Christ. He spoke about what it meant for him to be a Christian in politics during the apartheid in South Africa. He spoke about persecution and perseverance and gave a lot of his personal testimony. All of us felt honored to have seen this great man speak in person and felt humbled by what his life experiences were. He was vital to the reconciliation of South Africa after the apartheid and God has used him in amazing ways during and after the apartheid.
Afterward we had the chance to meet him and some of us got to shake his hand. It was really amazing seeing how God has worked in this country!

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi speaking

After I got to shake Prince Buthelezi's hand!


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